I love walking down the bread aisle at the grocery store. As a former gluten eater, it does induce a small twinge of nostalgia, but mostly it brings a smile, a reminder and a sense of peace.

When I first started Red Door Marketing, I was feeling a little (okay a lot!) of the “I’m not good enough. That other marketing agency is way better. Oh I’m going to fail at this.” You know the usual thoughts when the devil gets into your head. His favorites of self-loathing, self-doubt and self-sabotage.

During one particular moment of feeling not-good-enough, I ran across an infographic that in summary said…just like all the dozens of different bread options at the grocery store that appeal to different people, we all offer something unique that appeals to the right clients (customers, friends, spouse, etc.) That was profound to me and really had me examine my uniqueness. It’s funny how just the right message runs across your view at just the right time. **Message received – thank you Jesus!**

Fortunately, like gluten, I gave up the negative thoughts – both were very bad for my health – and with a deeper relationship with Christ, I’m free of the self-[insert negative words that were on a replay reel in my mind.]

Looking over your shoulder to compare yourself does nothing but distract you from looking forward and achieving your purpose.

So now that you’re craving bread, before you go make yourself a sandwich, take a moment to do an inventory check of your God given abilities. Don’t let negative self-talk and comparing yourself keep you from using your talents to serve God.

Wishing everyone a blessed weekend with lots of bread and positive self-talk.