I think it’s safe to say that we are living in the midst of an epidemic – an epidemic of evil that is. News of killing, stealing, and destroying is everywhere we turn. It’s as if the world is trying to see how far and how quickly we can push beyond yesterday’s level of wickedness. And like it was many years in the past, it seems we are in dire need of ark builders.

Can you imagine for a moment living in the time of Noah? “So Noah, you’re just going to have to trust me on this. The world has turned evil and I’m going to send rain – a lot of it. I am going to need you to build an ark.” Looking around at the desert, I can visualize Noah’s initial thought. “Um Lord, you want me to build a what?”

If I am being completely transparent, I likely would have negotiated with God a little – okay, probably a lot. “I’d love to God but see I’m super busy with raising kids and work right now.” “God, that is a great idea and all, but surely I misunderstood the assignment.” “Oh God, I can’t do that. Go to the next person in line. How do I even comprehend that monumental task? Where would I begin?” And if I’m being completely honest “God, they’ll judge me and think I’m crazy. I’m not strong enough.”

But Noah obeyed. He obeyed big time! He ignored the excuses of why it wasn’t a good time in his life. He ignored doubt and any thoughts of inadequacies. And he ignored all the chatter, mockery, and darkness taking place on earth that surrounded him. Noah’s heart was focused on serving God and he didn’t let evil’s pursuit restrain his purpose. He walked in joy, love, and fixed his eyes on Him. His obedience saved the world.

I wonder when scanning the crowd of His people if God would have selected me to build an ark. I hang pictures with a “that’s good enough” approach so a giant boat needing to be structurally sound would be a huge learning curve. But what if He assigned me a little “ark?” Maybe my task doesn’t save the world, but perhaps it redirects the path of just one person – changes their world. On the Noah scale of obedience, where do I fall? Where do you fall? What are you being called to act upon and instead you are negotiating your way into noncompliance?

The rainbow reminds us an actual ark will never be needed again, however, whether it’s in my lifetime or several generations from now, there will be a day God says “enough is enough.” When that day comes, I want to stand before Him and say “I obeyed. I was your good and faithful servant.” So let’s create a Be Like Noah movement. Let’s ignore distractions and negativity in our peripheral vision and take faith-driven-obedient-steps towards building an ark. In doing this, we can change the world.

Wishing you encouragement as you hear His voice and obey.


Update: Based on some feedback a reader gave me I would like to note, this is encouragement to follow God’s lead. This in no way is a political post to “obey the government.”